
Census Data: The 2018 Intercensal estimate from BBER at UNM shows smaller numbers for children ages 0-4 years and 5-9 years than expected.

Children’s relationship to householder and percent of children living in poverty by type of household: 2016-18 American Community Survey, New Mexico Children Characteristics.

Current federal poverty guidelines can be checked in monthly HSD report at communications/monthly-statistical-report s/

Poverty by Education Achievement: 2015-17 American Community Survey, New Mexico Children Characteristics.

Children in Poverty by NM County: County level poverty data from

Children’s Cabinet Budget Summary

Total funding by outcome for children birth–21 including total recurring education appropriations:

Provides a detail of funding per Children’s Cabinet Outcome area for FY16 – FY20 with the educated outcome showing total recurring education appropriations as well as all programs other agencies indicate as supporting that outcome.

Total funding by outcome:

Healthy refers to physical fitness and mental health. Educated refers to preparedness for and success in school. Safe refers to family and community safety and support. Supported refers to successful transition to purposeful adulthood and employment. Involved refers to valued contributions to and active participation in communities.

Total spending by outcome including total education appropriations:

Total education appropriations include the state equalization guarantee, total public school support, and related recurring appropriations as defined by the NM Department of Finance and Administration.


Healthy Birth Index: New Mexico Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS), an ongoing survey of new mothers; NM Department of Health;

Teen births: from NM Vital Records and Health Statistics.

Immunization: National immunization survey of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), New Mexico sample. nis/data/tables_2018.htm (Need new link)

Children’s weight: Youth New Mexico Youth Risk Resiliency Survey 2019, NM Department of Health and Public Education Department; and the CDC Youth Risk Behavior Survey 2018.(HSD) bc82a76689a437682dbd68988331f79/November ___All_Children_under_21_by_Managed_Care_Or ganization_Fee_for_Service.pdf (Need new link)

Child health insurance: US Census Bureau; Current Population Survey, Annual Social and Economic Supplement, 2019.

Medical screening: programs reflected in this graph include: DOH – Newborn Genetic Screening, and Newborn Hearing Screening Program.

School-based health services: The SBHCs offer an array of services by a multidisciplinary team, including primary care for injuries and illness, well-child exams, immunizations and laboratory tests, over-the-counter medications and prescriptions, telehealth services, as well as referrals to other providers. Behavioral health services include: awareness and outreach, including suicide prevention; counseling for alcohol and substance abuse; crisis intervention; depression screening; individual, group and family therapy. Prevention services focus on health promotion and risk reduction programs; New Mexico Children’s Cabinet | 2020 Report Card & Budget Report 77 REPORT CARD & BUDGET REPORT NOTES 78 New Mexico Children’s Cabinet | 2020 Report Card & Budget Report HIV/AIDS and STD awareness and education; nutrition; sports, and physical activity. Equity, opportunity and access for all children to health care make SBHCs an integral part of the state’s health care delivery system.

Nutrition/obesity awareness and prevention program: Programs include: DOH – NM WIC Program, Office of School & Adolescent Health; HSD – Food and Nutrition Services Bureau; PED – After School Enrichment, Elementary Physical Education and Obesity Prevention.

Home visiting: Programs identified as having a home visiting component include: CYFD: Home Visiting; DOH: Maternal Child Health, and Families First. Source: ECECD.

Family planning services: NMDOH, Family Planning Program – Teen Pregnancy Site:

Centennial Care 2.0: Medicaid expenditure and enrollment numbers are subject to revision for up to 30 months from the date originally released. Centennial Care 2.0 (Medicaid) estimated number of children served and average per child expenditure (avg. exp)


Figure – T.E.A.C.H.® Scholars: New Mexico Association for the Education of Young Children, NM T.E.A.C.H.® 2018. The data are inclusive of all funding sources for T.E.A.C.H.® scholarships; Pass rates for competency testing were from NM PED. Higher numbers related to increased funding for the reporting year.

Star Quality Child Care: Children, Youth and Families Department, Family Services. Stars Report July 2015-July 2019

Reading & Math at 4th Grade: New Mexico Public Education Department, Assessment and Accountability Division, September 2019. There are no comparable US data. Each state develops their assessment based on locally designed content and performance standards.

Core classes, highly qualified teachers: Report of Core Classes Taught by Highly Qualified Teachers by Elementary, Middle and High Schools, NM Public Education Department; for definitions see highly_qualified.pdf (Need new Link)

High school graduation: The NGA cohort rate requires that students be given 4 full years to graduate, including the summer following their 12th grade year. New Mexico implemented its first 4-year graduation rate in 2009, and is part of an elite group of 20 states that publicly report the data prior to the federally mandated date of 2011. New Mexico’s Shared Accountability model, which apportions student outcomes across all high schools for mobile students, is being studied by the National Governor’s Association (NGA) as an innovative solution for other states. In this baseline year, 60% of students in public education are known to graduate in 4 years. Since this rate includes students who would normally be allowed longer under the NGA guidelines, it serves as a rigorous reference point from which to depart.

Disparities in college enrollment: Percentage of youth enrolled in higher education by raceethnicity, age 18-24 from the NM Department of Higher Education. Percentage of youth by race ethnicity in the population from the UNM BBER inter-census estimates for 2018. All Public Higher Education institutions in New Mexico offer early childhood education programs, childcare, and/or summer programs for kids.

Total funding trend by educated outcome: Graph reflects all Children’s Cabinet agency programs identified as supporting the educated outcome.

State and federal funding for early childhood education: Programs include: PED – Full Day Kindergarten, Kindergarten three plus, William F. Goodling Even Start; combined PED & CYFD – NM PreK; CYFD – Early Childhood Development, 80 New Mexico Children’s Cabinet | 2020 Report Card & Budget Report Head Start; DOH – NM SAFE Kids Coalition; and HSD – TANF Child Care.

State funding early childhood education: The Executive and Legislature share a key policy goal of reducing the achievement gap between ethnic groups and advantaged and disadvantaged children. High-quality early education – including options such as Head Start, state-funded PreK, or full-day kindergarten, all reflected in this graph – contribute to realizing this and improving school readiness and long-term outcomes for children in New Mexico.

Nutrition and physical education, grades K-5: CDC, MMWR, August 6, 2018.

Educator professional development: displays state and federal funding information for programs devoted toward professional development that impact NM children and youth. Primarily these programs are directed towards educators. These programs include: DCA: Art is Fine, Digital Storytelling, Project Astro-NM, Statewide Classroom, Teacher Training; IAD: Financial Literacy Program; PED: Advanced Placement, Career-Technical Education, Charter School, Comprehensive School Reform, Core Curriculum, Domestic Violence Curriculum Educational Technology, NM PreK, Partnership in Character Education, Priority Schools Bureau, Professional Development Fund, Reading First, State Bilingual Education Title III, Summer Reading, Math & Science Institutes, Math & Science Partnership (MSP), T.E.A.C.H.® Early Childhood NM—NM PreK Scholarships, Tech Prep, Three Tier Teacher Licensure, Title II-Part A, Transition to Teaching; CYFD: T.E.A.C.H.®- Child Care & PreK, and Training and Technical Assistance (TTAP).



Bullying: The New Mexico Youth Risk and Resiliency Survey. New Mexico Department of Health and Public Education Department, Middle School and High School 2009, and the CDC YRBS Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The 2009 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Report Surveillance Summaries, June 4, 2010. MMWR 2018.

Childhood injury: MortInjCntyICD10/Count.html  (Need new link) NM data are 3- year averages due to small numbers; most current for US data is 2017. US data suggest a decreasing trend while NM data show variability with an increasing trend for the period.

Youth who seriously consider suicide: New Mexico Youth Risk Resiliency Survey 2018, NM Department of Health and Public Education Department; and the CDC Youth Risk Behavior Survey 2009, see ss5905.pdf (Need new link)

CYFD completed investigations and substantiated victims. Reported “child victims” reflects substantiation of one or more allegation of maltreatment for each child. “Investigations” summarizes all cases whether maltreatment was substantiated for one or more child in the investigation. Calendar year NM data may differ from federal due to method differences and reporting timeframes.

Abuse of pregnant women – National data

Child abuse and neglect prevention and intervention: Programs include: CYFD – Permanency Planning, Domestic Violence Services, In-home Services, CPS Investigations, and CPS Intake

Domestic violence prevention & services: Programs represented in this graph include: CYFD: Domestic Violence Services; PED: Domestic Violence Curriculum. Juveniles exposed to domestic violence are disproportionately represented in the juvenile justice system. Consequently, programs directed toward the prevention of domestic violence are a critical aspect in the reduction of juvenile incarceration. Domestic violence services must be made available to help parents improve interactions with their children. Services include health care, child protective services, mental health, and law enforcement agencies, as well as courts and community-based domestic violence programs. For an overview of efforts to prevent violence at the federal level, see: Dahlberg LL, Mercy JA. History of violence as a public health issue. AMA Virtual Mentor, February 2009. Volume 11, No. 2: 167-172.


Food Security, Source: USDA, Economic Research Service using data from the December 2017, 2018, and 2019 Current Population Survey Food Security Supplements

Reading to young children: 2019 National Survey of Children’s Health, Health Resources and Services Administration, Maternal and Child Health Bureau.

Child food security in NM: programs that address food security issues range from school meals to food stamps, including: CYFD – Family Nutrition; DOH – NM WIC Program, Healthier Kids Fund, SNAP E&T Childcare, TANF Cash Assistance Program; PED – Obesity Prevention, Elementary Breakfast, Elementary Physical Education, and After School Enrichment.


Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative: 2017 National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH), Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health website.

Youth with supportive relationships: 2019 New Mexico Youth Risk and Resiliency Survey. New Mexico Department of Health and Public Education Department.

Family and Child Tax Credits

NM aggregate tax credits: The data given in Figures 51 & 52 were supplied by the NM Tax and Revenue Department.

For further information, visit the Internal Revenue website at http://www.irs. gov/ or the NM Tax and Revenue Department at

An example for each institution is listed below:

Central New Mexico Community College, CNM, Tres Manos – Child Care – child-care

Clovis Community College, CCC, Child Development Lab School – child-development-lab-school.html

Eastern New Mexico University, ENMU, Child Development Center – college-of-education-and-technol ogy/child-development-center

ENMU-Roswell, Early Childhood Education program – education/

ENMU-Ruidoso, Early Childhood Education program – associate/early-care-education/

Luna Community College, LCC, Early Childhood Program –

Mesalands Community College, MCC, Summer Adventure Camp – community/community-education/summer adventurecamp/

New Mexico Highlands University, NMHU, has a lead role in developing statewide early childhood learning needs assessment – statewide-early-childhood-learning-nee ds-assessment/

New Mexico Junior College, NMJC, Early Childhood Education – program/early_child/index.aspx

New Mexico State University, NMSU, Myrna’s Childrens Village – academics/graduate-programs/concentrations/ eced/mcvi/

NMSU-Alamogordo, Early Childhood Associate Degree – areas-of-study/education-departme nt/

NMSU-Carlsbad, Early Childhood Education degree – associate-degree-certificate-programs/earlychildhood- education/#text NMSU-Dona Ana, Early Childhood Education –

NMSU-Grants, Small Wonders Child Care–

New Mexico Tech, NMT, Children’s Center–

Northern New Mexico College, NNMC, Early Childhood Associate and Bachelor’s Programs – collegesand- departments/college-of-education/ece-ee/

University of New Mexico, UNM, Children’s Campus –

UNM-Gallup, Early Childhood and Family Center - unm_gallup_early_childhood_family_center_gall up_nm

UNM-Los Alamos, Summer Program for Youth – for-younger-students.html

UNM-Taos, Kids Campus –

UNM-Valencia, Child Care Center – 1697-Unm-Valencia-Child-Care-Center/

San Juan College, SJC, Community / Child and Family Development Center – artments/child-and-family-development-center/

Santa Fe Community College, SFCC, Kids Campus –

Western New Mexico University, WNMU, Child Development Center –